
My 11-Month-Old Doesn't Respond to His Name: Should I Be Worried?

My 11-Month-Old Doesn’t Respond to His Name: Should I Be Worried?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her 11-month-old infant. She says her son does not respond to his name when it is spoken. He also does not point to things. This mom plans to mention it to their pediatrician at her son’s one-year checkup, but she is curious if other moms have experienced similar with their children. She adds that she doesn’t necessarily think it is a hearing problem, because he responds to sounds such as her snapping her fingers near his ears. Should she be worried?

I Want to Put My Infant in a Single Bed: Is That a Bad Idea?
Advice, Parenting

I Want to Put My Infant in a Single Bed: Is That a Bad Idea?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her infant daughter. She says she is considering moving her three-month-old out of her cot and into a single bed placed next to the parents’ bed. She says that her daughter tends to find sleeping on a bed more comfortable. Is this mom thinking too far ahead? Is it safe to put an infant in a single bed? The community weighs in with advice below.

My Baby Has Never Slept Through the Night and I Feel Ready to Die of Exhaustion: Advice?

My Baby Has Never Slept Through the Night and I Feel Ready to Die of Exhaustion: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her baby’s sleep. She says her baby, who is almost 10-months-old, has never slept through the night. She says he wakes up “four-plus times a night” and recently has stopped napping as well. This mom has tried everything she can think, but the problem only seems to be getting worse, and both she and her baby are more tired from lack of sleep than ever. Adding to her stress is that she just started a physically demanding job for which she needs rest.

My 9-Month-Old Baby Hasn't Been Able to Poop in 5 Days: Advice?

My 9-Month-Old Baby Hasn’t Been Able to Poop in 5 Days: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her infant daughter. She says her 9-month-old baby hasn’t pooped in five days. “She pushes and cries” but nothing happens. This mom is waiting to get in at her pediatrician’s office, but in the meantime, she is wondering if any moms have advice for her. She’s tried all of the best recommendations she could find already, but nothing seems to work.

There's a Huge Age Gap Between My Three Older Kids and My New Baby, and I'm Struggling: Is That Normal?

There’s a Huge Age Gap Between My Three Older Kids and My New Baby, and I’m Struggling: Is That Normal?

A mom writes in asking for advice about the age gap between her kids. She is a mother-of-four; three of her four kids are teenagers or pre-teens. Her newest child is an 11-month-old infant. That makes the age gap between her youngest child and second-oldest kid more than 10 years. This mom has been struggling, and she is unsure why. She has raised three kids, but this fourth one seems harder. Is it due to the age gap? Any advice for her?

My 8-Month-Old Baby Is Grinding Her Teeth: How Can I Get Her to Stop?

My 8-Month-Old Baby Is Grinding Her Teeth: How Can I Get Her to Stop?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her 8-month-old daughter. She says her daughter has two teeth, which she is constantly grinding. This mom suspects her daughter does this because it feels good as she is still teething, but she doesn’t want her to damage her teeth. She especially does not want the teeth grinding to become a habit that follows her daughter as she gets older and her permanent teeth come in.

My Almost Year-Old Baby Refuses to Eat Anything Other Than Baby Food: Advice
Advice, Food, Parenting

My Almost Year-Old Baby Refuses to Eat Anything Other Than Baby Food: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her 11-month-old baby who, she says, refuses to eat any food other than baby food. She has tried a ton of different baby-safe foods, but nothing has taken. Her son will only eat baby food with cereal mixed in. If she gives him something else, like peas or eggs or banana, “he will gag until he makes himself throw up.” Do you have any advice for this mom?

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