last names

Do I Have to Change My Last Name Once My Divorce Is Finalized? Because I Really Don't Want To!
Advice, Divorce / Separations, Relationships

Do I Have to Change My Last Name Once My Divorce Is Finalized? Because I Really Don’t Want To!

A mom writes in asking for advice about last names after divorce. This mom is currently in the process of divorcing her second husband. Though the two don’t share any children together, each has children from their previous marriages. She says despite that, she does not want to change her last name when the divorce is finalized because of the hassle. Her soon-to-be-ex-husband, however, has asked her to change her last name when all is said and done. Does she need to change it? Should she?

My Fiancé Feels 'Emasculated' Because I Don't Want to Take His Last Name: Advice?
Advice, Love & Marriage, Relationships

My Fiancé Feels ‘Emasculated’ Because I Don’t Want to Take His Last Name: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about taking her fiancé’s last name. She says that she already has two last names, and she is the only one of her siblings who has her mother’s last name. Therefore, she does not really want to change her name. She says it doesn’t feel right. Her fiancé, however, is upset by this. He says he feels ’emasculated.’ She adds that her fiancé’s father is also upset about her decision not to take the last name. What should she do?

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