minding your own business

My Friend Is Dating a Taken Man: Should I Say Something or Mind My Own Business?
Advice, Relationships

My Friend Is Dating a Taken Man: Should I Say Something or Mind My Own Business?

A woman writes in asking for advice about her friend. She says her friend is “proudly” dating a taken man, and this woman is confused about whether she should say something. She feels bad for the woman who doesn’t know she is being cheated on and wants to know if she should say something to her, even though it would effectively end her friendship with the woman who is dating the taken man. Should she say something or mind her own business?

I'm Worried About the Health and Safety of a Family Member's Baby: Should I Step In?
Advice, Relationships

I’m Worried About the Health and Safety of a Family Member’s Baby: Should I Step In?

A woman writes in asking for advice about a family member’s baby. She says she is not a mom herself, but the health and safety of a family member’s 8-month-old baby have her concerned. Though she had a “falling out” with this family member, she keeps up with them via social media. She is concerned about what they feed their baby, how the baby sleeps, and some other situations they’ve put the baby in, at least according to photos they’ve shared. Is it her business to step in and say something?

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