mom guilt

I've Been Shamed Into Feeling Like I Shouldn't Buy My Daughter Many Christmas Gifts Due to COVID-19: Advice?
Advice, Lifestyle

I’ve Been Shamed Into Feeling Like I Shouldn’t Buy My Daughter Many Christmas Gifts Due to COVID-19: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about buying Christmas gifts for her daughter. This mom always likes to shop ahead of the holiday season to avoid higher prices and related drama, and this year has been no different. Except that she claims a lot of people in her life are making her feel bad for doing so because of how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the economy. They say she shouldn’t spend so much money on gifts for her child. This mom doesn’t see the problem, as she isn’t spending beyond her means, but she is feeling guilty after facing the backlash.

I Got Accepted Into My Dream Program, But Now I'm Horribly Anxious About Being Away from My Kids: Advice?

I Got Accepted Into My Dream Program, But Now I’m Horribly Anxious About Being Away from My Kids: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about anxiety stemming from a potentially major life change. She says she was recently accepted into the program of her dreams. The problem? It will mean she spends a lot less time with her twins. She has been a stay-at-home-mom since she had her twins two years ago, and she is struggling with the thought of being away from her babies for most of the week. She asks for advice from other moms about how to cope with this big change… or even whether she should consider delaying her start in the program.

I Feel Guilty About Having a Baby So Soon After My First and Worry It Will Affect My Relationship With My Daughter: Advice?

I Feel Guilty About Having a Baby So Soon After My First and Worry It Will Affect My Relationship With My Daughter: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about dealing with mom guilt. She says she feels guilty about having a second baby so soon after her first. Her first child, a daughter, is her “best friend” and is only 20 months old. She is due to have her second in a month. She is worried the new baby will negatively affect her relationship with her daughter. Her second child was unplanned, she says, and she only wishes she had more time one-on-one with her daughter. Is it normal to feel this guilty?

My Daughter Always Asks if I Love Her After She Gets in Trouble, and It Has Me Worried About My Parenting Choices: Advice?

My Daughter Always Asks if I Love Her After She Gets in Trouble, and It Has Me Worried About My Parenting Choices: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her 4-year-old daughter. She says her daughter will always ask her mom if she loves her after she gets in trouble. Whether she gets put in a time out or ignored or yelled at for bad behavior, her daughter always asks her mom if she loves her. This worries this mom, who thinks maybe something in her actions makes her daughter feel unloved in those moments.

I Struggle Deeply with Mom Guilt Whenever I Leave My Baby with Others: Advice?
Advice, Mental Health

I Struggle Deeply with Mom Guilt Whenever I Leave My Baby with Others: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about dealing with mom guilt. She says that her 5-month-old daughter has basically been by her side all day, every day since birth. This mom feels guilty leaving her baby with others, including family members. She is worried that this attachment is bad for her baby, who has become fussy the few times she’s let family care for her. And then she feels more guilt at the idea of leaving a fussy baby with a loved one. She’s looking for advice about how to get used to letting her daughter be in others’ care and managing her emotions and mental health in the process.

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