
I'm Running Low on Formula and Will Run Out Before My Next Paycheck Clears: Are There Any Safe Formula Substitutions I Can Use?

I’m Running Low on Formula and Will Run Out Before My Next Paycheck Clears: Are There Any Safe Formula Substitutions I Can Use?

A mom writes in asking for advice about formula. She says she is running low on formula for her 3-month-old son. She has enough to get him through the night but won’t have any for the next day. Unfortunately, she will not receive her paycheck until later and must therefore go without buying formula until she receives her money. She wants to know if there are any safe formula substitutions she can use to help in the meantime or if there are any resources she could use to secure formula for free.

I've Been Shamed Into Feeling Like I Shouldn't Buy My Daughter Many Christmas Gifts Due to COVID-19: Advice?
Advice, Lifestyle

I’ve Been Shamed Into Feeling Like I Shouldn’t Buy My Daughter Many Christmas Gifts Due to COVID-19: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about buying Christmas gifts for her daughter. This mom always likes to shop ahead of the holiday season to avoid higher prices and related drama, and this year has been no different. Except that she claims a lot of people in her life are making her feel bad for doing so because of how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the economy. They say she shouldn’t spend so much money on gifts for her child. This mom doesn’t see the problem, as she isn’t spending beyond her means, but she is feeling guilty after facing the backlash.

My Ex-Husband Should Still Be Paying Child Support Even Though I Recieve SSI... Right?
Advice, Parenting

My Ex-Husband Should Still Be Paying Child Support Even Though I Recieve SSI… Right?

A mom writes in asking for advice about child support. She wants to know if her ex-husband is still obligated to pay child support even though she receives some Supplemental Security Income (SSI). She specifies that she only receives $150 a month in SSI, while his child support should be $300 a month. She adds that he is already $21,000 behind in child support payments. Should she fight for the child support, or is she out of luck?

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