
How Can I Tell My Partner I Am Pregnant When He Is Definitely Not Ready to Hear It?

How Can I Tell My Partner I Am Pregnant When He Is Definitely Not Ready to Hear It?

“I am a mom to two babies, 8 and 1 yo. My partner and I have had a rough year, but we are doing okay. He is facing legal trouble; he is an addict but now sober and went to rehab, so he is just trying to get back to work. He doesn’t want any more children, and I do. We spoke about doing it ‘right’ in the future and planning our last one so we can be excited and enjoy every minute.”

My Boyfriend and His Ex Are Constantly Following and Unfollowing Each Other on Instagram: Should I Be Concerned?
Advice, Parenting, Relationships

My Boyfriend and His Ex Are Constantly Following and Unfollowing Each Other on Instagram: Should I Be Concerned?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her boyfriend. She says that her boyfriend of six months, whom she hasn’t seen recently due to the ongoing pandemic lockdowns, is constantly following and unfollowing his ex, who also happens to be the mother of his child, on Instagram. She has tried to ask her boyfriend what it means, but he just tells her not to worry about it. Should she be concerned that something is going on?

My Partner Was Recently Diagnosed with ADD/ADHD: Any Advice?
Advice, Relationships

My Partner Was Recently Diagnosed with ADD/ADHD: Any Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her partner, who is also the father of her child. She says he was recently diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder or Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/ADHD). It seems this news came as a surprise to this mom. She is asking for thoughts and advice from the community: Does anyone have advice to share about living with a partner with ADD/ADHD? Any words of wisdom?

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