
My Daughter Doesn't Want to Accept That She Has Started Her Period: How Can I Help Her?

My Daughter Doesn’t Want to Accept That She Has Started Her Period: How Can I Help Her?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her daughter starting her period. She says her daughter recently began menstruating but has gone out of her way to hide and ignore this fact. She hides tissues in her room and in the bathroom. She is not using feminine hygiene products and is ruining clothing. This mom has tried talking to her, making products easily accessible for her daughter, punishment, and more, but nothing seems to be making a difference. How can she help her daughter during this major milestone?

Is It Normal for a Girl to Start Her Period at Just 8- or 9-Years-Old?

Is It Normal for a Girl to Start Her Period at Just 8- or 9-Years-Old?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her daughter starting her period. This mom says she took her daughter to the doctor for her 8-year checkup. During the examination, the doctor warned that girls are more commonly getting their periods at just 8 or 9 years old, which has this mom worried. She is concerned that her daughter will struggle with difficult periods, which would be especially hard at that age. She is also worried something may be wrong, based on some internet research she’s done. Any advice for this mom?

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