
How Can I Help My Daughter Understand the Dangers of Talking to Strangers Online?

How Can I Help My Daughter Understand the Dangers of Talking to Strangers Online?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her 9-year-old daughter. She says her daughter has been caught multiple times chatting online with strangers (via chatrooms within games). This mom says she’s tried many times to talk to her daughter, explain how dangerous that can be, and has made it clear that is not allowed. She’s deleted her daughter’s games and banned her from using the iPad until she can figure out a way to convince her daughter to stop chatting with strangers online.

My Ex Bought My 5-Year-Old Daughter an iPhone Against My Wishes: Advice?
Advice, Relationships

My Ex Bought My 5-Year-Old Daughter an iPhone Against My Wishes: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her ex. She says her ex, the father of her 5-year-old daughter, was abusive and generally terrible to her. Since leaving him, she has tried to reconcile and create a good co-parenting relationship for the sake of their daughter, but it hasn’t been easy going. Recently, her ex bought their daughter an iPhone. This mom feels her daughter is too young for the device and does not like the way her ex seems to be manipulating their daughter and her emotions via the phone. What should she do?

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