picky eaters

My Toddler Isn't Much of a Meat-Eater and Is Very Picky in General: Advice?
Advice, Food, Parenting

My Toddler Isn’t Much of a Meat-Eater and Is Very Picky in General: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her almost-three-year-old toddler daughter. She says she is not much a meat-eater. She is also, as of recently, not much of a veggie eater. She’ll take a single bite of dinner and refuse to eat more. In short, she’s a very stubborn picky eater. It’s gotten so bad overall that her daughter is waking up in the middle of the night hungry because she has refused to eat. Advice?

My Almost Year-Old Baby Refuses to Eat Anything Other Than Baby Food: Advice
Advice, Food, Parenting

My Almost Year-Old Baby Refuses to Eat Anything Other Than Baby Food: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her 11-month-old baby who, she says, refuses to eat any food other than baby food. She has tried a ton of different baby-safe foods, but nothing has taken. Her son will only eat baby food with cereal mixed in. If she gives him something else, like peas or eggs or banana, “he will gag until he makes himself throw up.” Do you have any advice for this mom?

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