
My 7-Year-Old Keeps 'Accidentally' Pooping Her Pants: Advice?

My 7-Year-Old Keeps ‘Accidentally’ Pooping Her Pants: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her daughter. She says her 7-year-old daughter, who is currently doing online school from home, has started “accidentally” pooping her pants. She uses the toilet as per usual to pee. This mom says her daughter told her that she doesn’t want to stop playing with her siblings in order to go to the bathroom, hence the accidents. This mom has tried talking to her “like a friend.” She has tried yelling. Nothing seems to be solving the issue. What should she do?

My Baby Struggles to Poop But Her Doctor Won't Really Listen to Me: Advice?

My Baby Struggles to Poop But Her Doctor Won’t Really Listen to Me: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her daughter and her relationship with her daughter’s doctor. This mom says that after she brought her baby home, she was on a fairly normal routine when it came to bowel movements. Recently, though, her daughter has been straining “all day” and “all night” just to pass gas. This mom does not think it is constipation due to a few reasons. The issue, aside from that, is that her doctor seems to be giving her the brush-off. This mom feels like the doctor is not really listening to the details of the issue and is instead giving her generic advice. What should she do?

My 9-Month-Old Baby Hasn't Been Able to Poop in 5 Days: Advice?

My 9-Month-Old Baby Hasn’t Been Able to Poop in 5 Days: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her infant daughter. She says her 9-month-old baby hasn’t pooped in five days. “She pushes and cries” but nothing happens. This mom is waiting to get in at her pediatrician’s office, but in the meantime, she is wondering if any moms have advice for her. She’s tried all of the best recommendations she could find already, but nothing seems to work.

My Husband Spends Three Hours a Day in the Bathroom, Supposedly Pooping... But That's Not Normal Right?
Advice, Love & Marriage, Relationships

My Husband Spends Three Hours a Day in the Bathroom, Supposedly Pooping… But That’s Not Normal Right?

A woman writes in asking for advice about her husband. She says that he has always taken at least an hour in the bathroom “to poop,” but lately, that time has been getting even longer. It recently reached three hours. She says he takes his computer into the bathroom. He is defensive when she asks him to explain what, exactly, is taking so long. Is she overreacting? What should she do?

My Stepdaughter Has Been Having Many Accidents Following Some Big Changes: Advice?
Advice, Parenting

My Stepdaughter Has Been Pooping On Herself Following Some Big Life Changes: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her 5-year-old stepdaughter, who “has been pooping on herself for a while now.” She says this behavior has been getting worse ever since “her mom gave her up to her dad and me.” She adds that her stepdaughter says she knows when she has to go but doesn’t want to stop playing or get up to go to the bathroom, and then tries to hide it. Any advice for this stepmom?

I'm Potty Training My Toddler, and He's Terrified of Going Number Two on the Toilet: Advice?

I’m Potty Training My Toddler, and He’s Terrified of Going Number Two on the Toilet: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about potty training. She says she is currently potty training her 3-year-old toddler, and though he’s doing well overall (with Number One, anyway), she says he is “terrified of going Number Two.” He explicitly says he is scared. She tries to coax him with prizes. But it isn’t taking. She says she is now on day three of him “holding it in,” and so she’d like some advice about ways she can encourage him.

This New Mom Turns Off the WiFi When Her Husband Poops Because She Thinks He Uses That Time to Avoid His Fatherly Duties
Celebrities, Entertainment, Humor, Parenting, Relationships

This New Mom Turns Off the WiFi When Her Husband Poops Because She Thinks He Uses That Time to Avoid His Fatherly Duties

This isn’t the first time we’ve heard some debate about husbands spending too much quality time in the bathroom in the name of getting out of household duties. In this one case, a woman posted on the Reddit thread “Am I The A**hole” to share her winning strategy to deal with her husband’s inconvenient need to go number two.

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