
Should I Allow My Child's Father's Sister to Be Apart of Our Lives Even Though the Father Is Not?
Advice, Relationships

Should I Allow My Child’s Father’s Sister to Be Apart of Our Lives Even Though the Father Is Not?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her child’s father’s sister. She says that the father of her unborn child “wants nothing to do with the child.” However, the child’s father’s sister learned through a mutual friend that this mom is expecting what is to be her niece. This aunt wants to be involved in the mom and child’s life, even though her brother (the child’s father) is not. The mom is unsure if this is wise, especially given that she has not met this woman. She still also holds a torch for the child’s father and worries involving his sister may be complicated emotionally.

I'm the Only Person My Brother, Who Is an Alcoholic, Talks To, and I Want to Help Him: Advice?
Advice, Relationships

I’m the Only Person My Brother, Who Is an Alcoholic, Talks To, and I Want to Help Him: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her brother. She says her older brother, who is 13 years older than she is, is an alcoholic. He has been in and out of rehab throughout his life but still struggles. He is currently living with their parents, which the OP describes as a “rough situation.” She wants to help him but is at a loss regarding how to do so. She specifies that she is really the only person he talks to, and she feels that responsibility.

I'm Worried About the Health and Safety of a Family Member's Baby: Should I Step In?
Advice, Relationships

I’m Worried About the Health and Safety of a Family Member’s Baby: Should I Step In?

A woman writes in asking for advice about a family member’s baby. She says she is not a mom herself, but the health and safety of a family member’s 8-month-old baby have her concerned. Though she had a “falling out” with this family member, she keeps up with them via social media. She is concerned about what they feed their baby, how the baby sleeps, and some other situations they’ve put the baby in, at least according to photos they’ve shared. Is it her business to step in and say something?

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