
My Ex-Husband and I Greatly Disagree About Our Teenage Daughters Smoking Weed: Advice?
Advice, Relationships

My Ex-Husband and I Greatly Disagree About Our Teenage Daughters Smoking Marijuana: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about a disagreement she is having with her ex-husband. She says their two daughters have started smoking marijuana. She has a “zero drug policy,” but her ex-husband laughs it off and says it is normal teenage behavior. This mom says she wants to drug test her daughters or give them the choice to go live with their father if they want to keep smoking. Is she overreacting?

I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant and Was Smoking Cigarettes: Should I Be Worried?
Advice, Parenting, Pregnancy, Women's Health

I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant and Was Smoking Cigarettes: Should I Be Worried?

A mom writes in asking for advice about smoking while pregnant. She says that she has been trying to conceive for a couple of months. After taking a pregnancy test recently and getting a negative result, she smoked through several packs of cigarettes. She later found out she is, in fact, pregnant. Should she be worried about the smoking she did?

The Effects of Smoking While Pregnant: These Are the Dangers to Your Baby
Parenting, Pregnancy, Women's Health

The Effects of Smoking While Pregnant: These Are the Dangers to Your Baby

There are some mixtures that definitely go together, like ice tea and lemonade, or cake and ice cream, but smoking while you’re pregnant is not one of those things that makes a great combination. On top of it being just a horrible idea, it presents a host of other problems that could alter your life and your child’s life in an exceptionally negative way.

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