stay at home moms

I Got Accepted Into My Dream Program, But Now I'm Horribly Anxious About Being Away from My Kids: Advice?

I Got Accepted Into My Dream Program, But Now I’m Horribly Anxious About Being Away from My Kids: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about anxiety stemming from a potentially major life change. She says she was recently accepted into the program of her dreams. The problem? It will mean she spends a lot less time with her twins. She has been a stay-at-home-mom since she had her twins two years ago, and she is struggling with the thought of being away from her babies for most of the week. She asks for advice from other moms about how to cope with this big change… or even whether she should consider delaying her start in the program.

I'm a Stay-at-Home-Mom with No Money of My Own: How Can I File for Divorce?
Advice, Divorce / Separations, Relationships

I’m a Stay-at-Home-Mom with No Money of My Own: How Can I File for Divorce?

A mom writes in asking for advice about filing for divorce. She says she is about to start going through a divorce, and as a stay-at-home mom, she has no money or income to help her with this expensive legal matter. How can someone with no expendable income afford a lawyer, even if she needs one for something like a divorce? Below, the community weighs in with some advice for this mom-in-need.

I'm a Stay-at-Home Mom with Bipolar Manic Depressive Disorder and My Husband Is Pressuring Me to Start Working: Advice?

I’m a Stay-at-Home Mom with Bipolar Manic Depressive Disorder and My Husband Is Pressuring Me to Start Working: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her husband pressuring her to return to work. This mom has long suffered from Bipolar Manic Depressive Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder. In previous jobs, she has needed to do avoid traditional retail positions and focus on work where she did not need to communicate with other humans much, due to her mental health. Her husband, however, spends a lot of money and is pressuring her to return to work, despite her current role as a stay-at-home mom. What should she do?

A Husband Is Left Wondering How to Can Reassure His Wife That He Appreciates Everything She Does Around the House

A Husband Is Left Wondering How to Can Reassure His Wife That He Appreciates Everything She Does Around the House

“I’m the sole earner for our household, my wife stays home,” he begins. “We don’t have children. Due primarily to a string of horrible jobs that led to some pretty bad anxiety issues for her, we agreed last year that she could stop working and pursue whatever hobbies, activities, etc. that she wanted while I provided for us financially.”

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