substance abuse

I'm Conflicted About Letting My Mom and Sister, Both Addicts, Into My Life and My Baby's Life: Advice?
Advice, Relationships

I’m Conflicted About Letting My Mom and Sister, Both Addicts, Into My Life and My Baby’s Life: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her own mother and sister. She says she is conflicted about letting her mom and sister from whom she is currently estranged back in her life ahead of the arrival of her first child. She specifies that both her mom and sister are drug addicts and have been for a long time. Understandably, this mom has had a rough and complicated relationship with her family due to this. But her mom wants nothing more than to be there during the OP’s pregnancy and the arrival of her child. Is there a way she can invite them back into her life without it causing upset to her or her baby?

I'm the Only Person My Brother, Who Is an Alcoholic, Talks To, and I Want to Help Him: Advice?
Advice, Relationships

I’m the Only Person My Brother, Who Is an Alcoholic, Talks To, and I Want to Help Him: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her brother. She says her older brother, who is 13 years older than she is, is an alcoholic. He has been in and out of rehab throughout his life but still struggles. He is currently living with their parents, which the OP describes as a “rough situation.” She wants to help him but is at a loss regarding how to do so. She specifies that she is really the only person he talks to, and she feels that responsibility.

I'm Worried I May Have a Drinking Problem: Advice?

I’m Worried I May Have a Drinking Problem: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about herself and what she feels may be a drinking problem. This mom says that she got pregnant very young and has never really lived an adult life. Now, with three kids and a husband, this mom finds that she often drinks. Though she says she doesn’t get sloppy or mean, she is still concerned, especially because of her family’s history. The community offers advice for this mom below.

At This Point, I'm Pretty Sure My Husband Has Chosen His Alcohol Addiction Over Me: Advice?
Advice, Relationships, Women's Health

At This Point, I’m Pretty Sure My Husband Has Chosen His Alcohol Addiction Over Me: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her husband, who is likely an alcoholic. She says he drinks a 6-pack of beer every day, and much more on the weekends. He does not work, his memory has degraded, he refuses to admit he has a problem or seek help, and he tells her to accept him as he is. This mom may be reaching the end of her rope and is looking for advice.

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