tubes tied

Tubal Ligation vs. Vasectomy: Which Is the Better Option?
Advice, Relationships

Tubal Ligation vs. Vasectomy: Which Is the Better Option?

A mom writes in asking for advice about family planning. She says she and her husband are in agreement that they do not want any more children. The issue? She wants him to get a vasectomy, and he would rather she get her tubes tied (tubal ligation). She wants to know if one method is more effective than the other, or if the risks of one procedure outweigh the risks of the other.

What Are the Pros and Cons of Having Your Tubes Tied?

What Are the Pros and Cons of Having Your Tubes Tied?

A mom writes in asking for advice about getting her tubes tied (tubal ligation). She says she and her partner are done having children. She knows that both her mom and her aunt have gotten their tubes tied, but otherwise, she doesn’t know much about the procedure or the pros and cons of having it done. She says she’d love to hear from women who have gotten it done about their experiences, both the good and the bad.

Advice, Please: Has Anyone Gotten Pregnant After Having Their Tubes Tied?
Advice, Getting Pregnant, Pregnancy

Advice, Please: Has Anyone Gotten Pregnant After Having Their Tubes Tied?

A mom writes in asking for advice about getting pregnant after tubal ligation. This mom says she had her tubes tied 17 years ago after her youngest was born. Recently, though, she realized her period was two weeks late, and after taking multiple pregnancy tests, she learned she is, in fact, now pregnant again. She turns to the community and asks if this has happened to any other moms who’ve had their tubes tied and whether anyone has any advice for her.

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