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Tales From Motherhood: After Trying to Have a Baby for 10 Years, I Finally Had One… and That’s When Things Got Really Hard

Postpartum Depression

Depressed woman

A mom writes in with her story of motherhood. After trying to have a baby for 10 years, she finally did. A happy ending, right? Not quite. First comes a traumatic birth experience, a battle with postpartum depression, and more hardships that most moms will certainly relate to.

We reached out to the robust Mamas Uncut Facebook community and asked to hear stories from real moms about their experiences. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Our goal is to share these stories (anonymously, if the author so chooses) with our community as a reminder that we are not alone in either our joys or struggles.

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Community member A.S. writes:

“I had been trying to have a baby for almost 10 years, and I kinda just was accepting the fact I would never have any kids. But last year in August, I found out I was pregnant.

Then in May, I went to give birth at 42 weeks. My water broke but my body wasn’t going in labor so they came in and prepped me for a c-section at 5 a.m. the next morning. It was awful. The lady pumped me full of 5 bags of fluid for really no reason, and I got sick everywhere. I was so upset, and I was scared even in the operation room. I got sick everywhere and they had to use a suction cause I couldn’t move. But I knew I had to do this for my baby.

I had a healthy 8 lb., 13 oz. baby on May 6 at 7:35 a.m. s]She was perfect, but I wasn’t. I went home 3 days later and was passing out all of a sudden, and my feet were swollen so bad I went to the ER and they admitted me to the heart floor because I had so much fluid they that they were scared about my heart. They kept me and treated me and checked my heart, and it was good, thank God above.

Then I went through postpartum depression, but it was an emotional issue, not a bonding issue. I didn’t want to go anywhere; I wanted to stay home. I was scared to take my baby to Walmart, my anxiety was so bad. I went through so much after having her that the doctor said this was all a result of the trauma I experienced during the first three months of her life.

They wanted to put me on some medication for the PPD, but I said no because I didn’t want to be numb and not be able to take care of my baby. I figured it out and my in-laws helped me a lot just being here for me.

I think around 6 months I finally took her out to the store, and I was okay. She is now 13 months, and honestly, I still have no clue. What I am doing is just learning every day to be the best mom I can be. She keeps me going every day. No matter what, she was worth everything I went through. But I do send my strength and prayers to all the moms who are going through PPD or anything like it. We are not perfect, and we all mess up, so don’t think you are a failure as a mom. XOXO. “

– Mamas Uncut Community Member A.S.

Thank you so much for sharing your story with us, A.S..! We hope other moms find it as inspiring, relatable, and helpful as we do. Lastly, we wish you the best of luck on your continuing motherhood journey.

Do you have a story about your experiences as a mom that you’d like to share with us? Submit it using the form below.

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