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MU’s Top 35 Memes of the Week: “Respect Your Parents. They Passed School Without Google.”

MU's Top 35 Memes of the Week

Do you need a little meme inspiration to keep you going today? Yes, yes you do! Funny memes are our life-force and we’re not ashamed to admit it. At Mamas Uncut, we come across many a dank meme and we decided it’s time to start sharing the best of the best every week. Being a mom can sometimes feel like you’re on your own little island. When, in reality, every mama is going through the same things you are. Memes are here to help.

The world (and internet) can be a dark place and we’ve decided to wade through the trash to find the treasure. Here are 38 incredibly funny and heartfelt memes we think any mom, parent, or person with a beating heart will love. If you need a pick-me-up, scroll through our most popular memes and we’re sure you’ll get a laugh and some well-deserved validation.

Just a Minute

Mother-daughter love is a deep bond. Its resistance is tested daily and the best way to keep it strong is for periods of cooling off.


We’re not judging. And, in fact, we’re not above much when it comes to wine drinking.


If your babies love you that’s all that matters, right? There’s no doubt about it.

Karma Comeuppance

This meme is the truth no one tells you. If you were a wild child, expect the same.


Real talk! Why are all the other hobbies so boring though?

Without a Doubt

Moms have been there for you through the good and the bad and they know exactly what you need and when you need it. Moms are the best.

One and Done

Contrary to popular belief, making a few trips with groceries in tow is far easier than dragging yourself across the finish line with every last bag in hand.

You’re Going to Love This Part

LOL! Watching your favorites as a kid with your child is a special experience. They may not enjoy it, but you sure will.

Fighting Spirit

This is so true! Knowing that your kid will stand up for herself is excellent. However, making sure she doesn’t overstep boundaries is a different situation entirely.

Our Little Monsters

They might be demons, but they’re our little demons. We all know this look well.

Sister, Sister

Decisions, decisions. To be considered “cool” or to take responsibility. Choose wisely older sisters.


98% of parenting is repeating the same exact thing to your children multiple times. Will it ever stick? It will if you yell.

The Fullest Full-Time Job

We’re tired just looking at this meme. A parent’s work is never, ever done.


Who needs diamonds when you could have a well-adjusted child with no daddy issues? This is such an excellent meme. Go dads, go!

Blessed Be the Fruit Aisle

Well, it’s only a matter of time at this point. We’re sure Margaret Atwood would approve of this meme.

Now, We Know

Well. We really put our parents through hell. We did not realize it at the time, but now we know how hard they were working.

My Baby Loves Me

You might look and feel like utter crap, but your baby will never mind. Thank goodness for that wonderful baby love.

Googles: “Life Before Google”

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity…

Do You

“Always try your best and be kind to others,” is the best advice you can get. Some wise words to live by from this very good mom.

Nom Nom Nom

Babies will put your entire face in their mouths. It’s a simple fact of life.


Being a parent doesn’t end when a child turns 18-years-old. It’s a lifelong job and the home they’ve created will always be your home.

Look Harder

Well, this looks about right. How has society wired our brains so differently?

RELATED: 25 Funny Tweets From Moms About Husbands and the Paradox of Marriage

Doing the Best

As long as you’re trying your hardest, you’re trying hard enough. Don’t fear failure. Show up, do the work, share love, and you’ll be doing the thing right.

This Right Here

This meme got a ton of positive feedback. It’s a great message about teaching your children self-worth and respect.

What a Cute Baby Boy!

Life really does come at you fast and it can change completely in an instant. This heartfelt meme about family being what you make it is everything!

Are We There Yet?

That third trimester is no joke! Days can seem like an eternity and they might even make you feel like a grinch.


You take the good with the bad as a parent. The good always outweighs the rest.

At Least There’s Pizza

Anything consisting of carbs with cheese is a cureall. Pizza is one of the finest examples and we do trust that crust.


Some stuff is so funny you really need to give yourself time to take a breath.

Works from Home for One Week:

It could be worse. You could be actually homeless.

YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: 25 Funny Pandemic Memes That Laugh in the Face of Disaster

Plant Friends

We miss people, but plants can’t spread the virus. They deserve love for that.

Clean Up Your Room!

This rule is not just for kids of course. Organizing and keeping your home tidy will allow your mind to do the same.

We Miss Steve

It was such a special day. Now, we sprinkle that baby on toast.

No Time

“I got kids to take care of and packs of fruit snacks to open,” is the most relatable thing in the world. Because, those fruit snacks don’t open themselves, people!

RELATED: MU’s 35 Best Memes of the Week: “I Asked for a Daughter, Not Angelica from Rugrats”

Get Some Sleep

This hits close to home. But, it’s not the kids it’s their parents. We need more coffee.

There you go! 35 incredible memes about parenting and motherhood that you needed in your life today. These are some of the most popular memes on Mamas Uncut and it’s easy to see why.

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