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Advice, Please: Has Anyone Gotten Pregnant After Having Their Tubes Tied?

A mom writes in asking for advice about getting pregnant after tubal ligation. This mom says she had her tubes tied 17 years ago after her youngest was born. Recently, though, she realized her period was two weeks late, and after taking multiple pregnancy tests, she learned she is, in fact, now pregnant again. She turns to the community and asks if this has happened to any other moms who’ve had their tubes tied and whether anyone has any advice for her.

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A member of the community asks:

“Has anyone gotten pregnant after having their tubes tied?

Has anyone ever experienced becoming pregnant after having their tubes tied? I’m 37 years old & had my tubes tied 17 years ago when my youngest child was born, but am almost 2 weeks late for my period & have now taken 4 tests which all said positive.

I’ve had all of the pregnancy symptoms & haven’t had any problems, I’m just in absolute shock! I have an appointment tomorrow, but I’m having a hard time sleeping the last few nights. I’ve read a lot about it, but I am just wondering if anyone has had any personal experiences with pregnancy after tubal ligation, or if you know anyone who has?”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Who Became Pregnant After Getting Her Tubes Tied

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary

Advice, Please: Has Anyone Gotten Pregnant After Having Their Tubes Tied?

The community offered this mom in need a lot of great advice. Read some of their responses below.

“It’s very common. It’s why I got mine burned.”

“I know at least 3 people who have. Not me personally but family friends.”

“Little known fact… 5 years after you get tied you have a 5% higher chance of pregnancy. And that number only goes up year by year.”

“My mother had a partial hysterectomy at 34 and at the age of 40 she found out that organs can grow back and that she was pregnant with me. So it’s possible.”

“My mom got her tubes tied after me, five years later she got pregnant with twin boys!”

“It happens, but I do not know how often it ends in a viable pregnancy, you need to call your doctor asap.”

“I’ve known some people this happened to. I had this coil placed in mine that blocked the tube and then makes the tissue grow around it like scar tissue to block the eggs from getting out, essentially rendering them useless.”

“Me!!!!!!!!!!!! I had them tied after my second child and currently I’m 24 weeks along with my third!”

“Yes ma’am, I just got done dealing with that about 2 months ago. I got pregnant about a year after my tubal ligation. Then I miscarried at some point and was pregnant, carrying around a dead fertilized egg or whatever you want to call it for 9+ months having periods and bleeding through the thickened sac. Finally, I had to get a DNC & Ablation. Good luck! It’s not easy.”

“Yes, it happens. After so many years, your chances of getting pregnant go up.”

“One of my husband’s friends got his wife pregnant 20 years after she had hers tied! It totally happens! They now have a happy, healthy 2-year-old.”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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