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WATCH: Discussions Between Mothers and Their Daughters Show How Motherhood Has Changed (and Stayed the Same) Between Generations

Mothers and Daughters Discuss How Motherhood Has Changed

Becoming a mother to a child is something women have done since human beings began existing. In many ways, things haven’t changed that much: the goal is still to raise a child, to keep that child safe, and to teach that child what they need to know to live a satisfying life. But as times have changed, so has motherhood, and this video proves how much can shift in just one generation.

Several pairs of moms and their daughters sat down to discuss motherhood for The Telegraph. The discussions, which kick off with the women selecting questions from a bowl, were filmed and edited to make this video.

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The first question: “What do you think is the ideal age to become a mother?”


The video shows the mother-daughter pairs discussing the ages they think are ideal for starting a family. Most of the mothers say they had their children much younger than women do today, and the daughters agree, noting that many women desire to build a career or to travel before starting a family.

“It was a totally different thing, of course, in my day,” one mother says to her daughter. “We got married younger and therefore had children younger.”


“Women of my age are wanting to have babies later,” says one of the daughters. “Because they’re establishing their career first. But actually, I think it’s really tough having a baby later in life because it’s physically demanding, emotionally demanding.”

“I reckon that 30 or 32 is a nice age to start to have kids,” says Jess, a 23-year-old daughter.

“So not 23 like me with you,” responds her mom, Katie, 49.

“No, not at all!” says Jess.


Other questions include:

“What was the biggest learning curve about being a mother?”

“Is it possible to juggle family and career?”

“What is the best thing about motherhood?”

Watch the video to see how the women responded and to see how much motherhood has changed in just a generation.


You may also notice that, though many things have changed, there are still many many motherhood constants: sleepless nights, sacrifices, and

So yes, motherhood has changed, but in some ways, it will forever be the same.

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