Mamas Uncut

100+ Whimsical Baby Names Are Big on Fun With a Touch of Mystery

cute toddler girl blowing soap bubbles

Whimsical baby names are some of the most charming on the naming market. These delightful appellations appeal to parents who value a sense of adventure and aren’t afraid to take risks. What makes a whimsical baby name? These names contain a child-like curiosity that follows a baby through life. Unique, nature-inspired, or fitting of a fairy tale, these names are far from ubiquitous and stand out in a crowd.

We decided to round up our favorite whimsical baby names, starting with girls and then boys, but be sure to read over both categories as there are several unisex options in the mix. These magical and playful names pack a punch, and you would be wise to add a couple of them to your list of possible names for your little baby on the way. Discover a lively name for your child below!

Whimsical Baby Names for Girls

Whimsical Baby Names for Girls That Start With A

Whimsical Baby Names

Whimsical Baby Names for Girls That Start With B

Whimsical Baby Names for Girls That Start With C

Whimsical Baby Names for Girls That Start With D

Whimsical Baby Names for Girls That Start With E

Whimsical Baby Names for Girls That Start With I

Whimsical Baby Names for Girls That Start With J

Whimsical Baby Names for Girls That Start With M

Whimsical Baby Names for Girls That Start With O

Whimsical Baby Names for Girls That Start With P

Whimsical Baby Names for Girls That Start With R

Whimsical Baby Names for Girls That Start With T

Whimsical Baby Names for Girls That Start With Z


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Whimsical Baby Names for Boys

Whimsical Baby Names for Boys That Start With A

Whimsical Baby Names for Boys That Start With D

Whimsical Baby Names for Boys That Start With E

Whimsical Baby Names for Boys That Start With G

Whimsical Baby Names for Boys That Start With H

Whimsical Baby Names for Boys That Start With J

Whimsical Baby Names for Boys That Start With L

Whimsical Baby Names for Boys That Start With M

Whimsical Baby Names for Boys That Start With O

Whimsical Baby Names for Boys That Start With R

Whimsical Baby Names for Boys That Start With S

Whimsical Baby Names for Boys That Start With Y

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Whimsical Baby Names for Boys That Start With Z

There you go! Now you have some amazing whimsical baby names to add to your shortlist. For even more baby name inspiration, keep reading. We’ve got zodiac-inspired names to share with you as well!

Zodiac-Inspired Baby Names for Girls

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Those born under the sign of the ram are fiery, bold, go-getters. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac making names like Una or Prima great options that reflect the sign being first. Further, the element for this sign is fire, making names with meanings that relate also appropriate. Enya is a great Irish option that means “fire.” Other possibilities include the Hebrew (unisex) name, Jubilee which means “ram’s horn” and the Persian name, Roxana, which means “dawn.”

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Folks born under the sign of the bull are often strong and grounded as the symbol suggests. We’re dealing with an earth element here which means that plenty of nature-inspired options could totally work. Chloe is a Greek name that means “young, green shoot.” Gaia is a mythical earth goddess name that could also be a winner for you. One last colorful option for Taurean babies is Terra a name of Latin origin that means “earth.”

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Geminis are a hard sign to pin down. They are eclectic and their outlooks are varied for the sign of the twins. We suggest the English, feminine form of Thomas, Thomasina, as the Aramaic root of the name means “twin.” In addition to the twin theme, names that also celebrate the sign’s air element work well. Celeste is a name that means “heavenly.” Zephyr is a unisex Greek name that means “west wind.” Aura is another Greek name that means “a gentle breeze.”

The color yellow is also associated with the sun which could offer some distinct possibilities. Zari is a Persian name that means “golden.” Buttercup is a Gemini name that speaks for itself!

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Cancers are born under the sign of the crab. Thus, the moon which rules the sign, and the sea are common symbols for the water sign. Luna and Selene are two popular moon goddess names today. A less traveled option is the Turkish name Ayla which means “halo” or “moonlight.” For a name that makes a splash, go with the Celtic classic Cordelia which means “daughter of the sea.”

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Leo baby names have lots of appealing inspirations: lions, gold, and the sun, to name the three main Leo symbols. Further, the sign’s element is fire making hot names a great possibility. Aurelia is a name that means “the golden one.” Orla is another possibility and it is of Irish origin and means “golden princess.” Ariel is of Hebrew origin and means “lion of God.” Finally, Leona is a Latin appellation that means “lioness.”

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

People born under Virgo are often dependable, practical, and fiercely loyal to the ones they love. Names relating to the earth, purity, and wisdom are also great Virgo baby names as they highlight the sign’s element and the symbol of the sign, the virgin or maiden. Cora is our top pick for a Virgo girl as it means “maiden” as does the Celtic name Imogen. For a dusty yet storied appellation, go with Agnes which means “pure.” For an earthy spin, go with Ceres who is the Roman goddess of agriculture and fertility.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Libra babies grow up to be balanced and fair. Thus, Harmony (Alaina is an Irish name that means the same) and Justice are top picks and both are unisex. Libras also are governed by Venus which tends to make them big flirts and very romantic. This is another air sign of the zodiac so names that are breezy are also great. Nasima is our top pick in this regard. The name is of Arabic origin and means “breeze” and “fresh air.”

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Strongwilled and magnetic, Scorpios are associated with the water element and are governed by Pluto. Red is commonly associated with the sign so names like Scarlett and Ruby will serve you well. The Choctaw name Talullah would be a colorful option that can be taken to mean “leaping water.”

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Adventure seems to be hardcoded into every Sagittarius’ core. One of the most free-spirited signs of the zodiac, Sagittarius is associated with its symbol the archer as well as the fire element. Ivara is a German name for girls that means “archer” or “yew tree.” Ember is the French form of Amber and it means “burning piece.” The sign is governed by Jupiter. Thus, the name Callisto would be great as it belongs to one of the planet’s moons. It also happens to mean “most beautiful” which is not bad!

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Those born under the goat are members of the hardest working and most trustworthy zodiac sign. These folks are governed by the earth element and are often driven to the point of being stubborn (just like a goat). Amina is a gorgeous option of Arabic origin that means “trustworthy” and “faithful.” Another Arabic option, Mira is taken to mean “female ruler” or “queen.” The popular name Amelia contains a German root that means “work” or “industrious.” Hermione is a distinct possibility too as its Greek root means “earthly.”

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Names for Aquarian babies reflect the sign’s symbols of water and air. It is governed by the air element but the symbol for the sign is the cupbearer so there’s a water connection as well. Brooke works as a connection to the flowing cup. Nixie is a German name that means “water nymph.” Finally, Nahla is an Arabic option that means “a drink of water.”

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Pisceans are known for their creative, gentle, and loving nature so names that reflect those qualities will be an excellent fit. Further, the sign is governed by water and its symbol is two fish. Ruth is a name of Hebrew origin that means “compassion.” This is fitting as Pisceans are some of the most sensitive and sympathetic signs of the Zodiac. Marina and Maren are names of Latin origin that mean “from the sea.” All are beautiful options!

Zodiac-Inspired Baby Names for Boys

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Now to Zodiac names for boys! Those born under the sign of the ram are fiery, bold, go-getters. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac making names like Primo and Ace fitting options. Lesser know, Ichiro is a Japanese option that means “first son.” If you would like to lean into the fiery element of the sign, Ignatius is a name with the meaning.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Boys born under the sign of the bull are often strong and grounded as the symbol suggests. We’re dealing with an earth element here which means that plenty of nature-inspired options will totally work. Fintan is a name of Irish origin that means “white bull.” If you’re into earthy options, Dion is a French name from Greek that means “child of heaven and earth.” Seb is an Egyptian option that means “God of the Earth.”

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Geminis are a tricky sign to pin down. They are eclectic and their outlooks are varied for the sign of the twins. Thomas works well as its Aramaic root means “twin.” Further, Rome or Roman are also possibilities as the founding myth of Rome is based on the twins (Romulus and Remus). To honor the sign’s element you could go with the underused Native American name (that happens to be unisex), Coro. It means “wind.”

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Cancers are born under the sign of the crab. Thus, the moon which rules the sign, and the sea are common symbols for this water sign of the zodiac. Kai is a popular name today that is of Hawaiian origin and means “sea.” Luan is a Portuguese name for boys that means “moon.” Finally, Badar is an Arabic or Hindi name that means “full moon.”

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Leo baby names have lots of appealing inspirations: lions, gold, and the sun, to name the three main Leo symbols. Further, the sign’s element is fire making spicy names a great possibility. Cyrus and Elio both mean sun. Ari is a unisex name that means “lion of God” in Hebrew. Leander is a stylish name of Greek origin that means “lion-man.” Rawr!

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Folks born under Virgo are often dependable, practical, and fiercely loyal to the ones they love. Names relating to the earth, purity, and wisdom are also great Virgo baby names as they highlight the sign’s element. Ezra is a name of Hebrew origin that means “help” and Adam is also Hebrew in origin but means “son of the red earth.” Raymond is a name of German origin that means “wise protector.”

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Libra babies grow up to be balanced and fair. Thus a name like Isaeus (pronounced ih-ZAY-us) that means “equality” is a solid choice. The sign is governed by Venus which means that Librans tend to be obsessed with romance and beauty. The Arabic name, Jamal, means “beauty.” Finally, the element for the sign is air so a name like Neil that means “cloud” is a great pick.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Strongwilled and magnetic, Scorpios are associated with the water element and are governed by Pluto. Red is commonly associated with the sign so the name Phoenix which means “dark red” is a good choice. This is one of the zodiac’s water signs and so a name like Brooks is swell as well. Octavio also works here, meaning “eighth son.”

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Adventure seems to be hardcoded into every Sagittarius’ core. One of the most free-spirited signs of the zodiac, Sagittarius is associated with its symbol the archer as well as the fire element. That makes the name Archer a fitting pick. If Archer is too on the nose, go with the German name Ivo which means “archer” or “yew wood.” Kymani hints at exploration as the Eastern African name means “adventurous traveler.”

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Those born under the goat are members of the hardest working and most trustworthy zodiac sign. These folks are governed by the earth element and are often driven to the point of being stubborn. Giles is a name of Greek origin that means “young goat.” Could we have found an appellation more fitting? Clay is a rich earthy name that is a warm choice. Lastly, Ephraim highlights their sense of hard work, the Hebrew root of the name means “productive.”

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Names for Aquarian babies reflect the sign’s symbols of water and air. It is governed by the air element but the symbol for the sign is the cupbearer so there’s a water connection as well. Calder is an English name that means “rocky water.” Lian is a German or Chinese name that means “waterfall.” Moses is a cherished Egyptian name that means “delivered from water.” Each of these names makes a splash!

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Pisceans are known for their creative, gentle, and loving nature so names that reflect those qualities will be an excellent fit. Further, the zodiac sign is governed by water and its symbol is two fish. Koi, Pike, and Fisher all tow the fishing line. If you’re looking for a name that celebrates a winning quality that many Pisces possess, go with the Irish name Finn which means “fair.”

We hope you enjoyed these baby names for astrology-obsessed parents!

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