Mamas Uncut

Why Do Women Pierce Their Tongues?

Why do women pierce their tongues? You’d have to poll every woman with a tongue ring to truly know the answer. Some people will tell you they got their tongue pierced as a fashion or political statement. Others claim that tongue piercings relieve anxiety. However, the main motivation for these types of piercings is sexual. First, many people think that tongue rings look sexy but they supposedly, feel it too. Many people (of all gender expressions) get tongue rings because they are said to enhance oral sex making it more pleasurable for both parties.

Now, this doesn’t mean that you should assume that’s the case for everyone you meet. As with any other piercing, tattoo, or other body decoration, the piece is going to be very personal with a meaning behind it that is not necessarily any of your business! If you’d like to get a better idea as to why do women pierce their tongues, you might want to take a look at the variety of different tongue piercing possibilities there are. We have compiled a list of tongue ring images below to show you the possibilities and limitations of piercings on the tongue.

Why Do Women Pierce Their Tongues? These Images Might Explain It!

Every Person Is Different

Why Do Women Pierce Their Tongues?

Let’s kick this off with an image that should dispel some of your notions around the question: why do women pierce their tongues? Not everything is done for someone else and many tattoos and piercings are deeply personal. We’re going out on a limb here to say that this one is not for someone else’s pleasure. It is certainly eyecatching.



Here’s something you’re likely more familiar with. It’s a standard tongue ring with a metal ball. Did you know that Julius Caeser had at least one nipple pierced as a symbol of strength among ancient Romans? This one could be a symbol of strength for this person. Who knows!? Sometimes, you never know the circumstances behind a piercing like this.

Snake Eyes


This sort of piercing is called “snake eyes.” We imagine you can put together why it is called such. This sort of piercing has become increasingly popular these days. This piercing is undoubtedly more low-key than a few of the others, But it’s still a look that gives you a little more of an edgy vibe. Would you get this?

Multiple Piercing


Tongue bifurcation is a body modification term for splitting a tongue. We find each piece of the tongue with its own tongue ring. We imagine this person would answer the question: why do women pierce their tongues? in a thoughtful and nuanced way as they have gone to great effort to achieve this look. We’d like to hear about it.

Feeling Rock and Roll


This person looks like they cherish a rock and roll aesthetic which might explain why they got their tongue pierced. No two people share the same life story. This look is a classic and is very likely to be a starting point for a lot of people. this tattoo connects a lot of people whether they know it or not.

Venom Piercing


A double tongue piercing like this one is called a venom piercing. The piercing gets its name from venomous snakes, of course. Perhaps this person is a herpetologist and really loves reptiles and amphibians! Who knows!? This tongue piercing definitely has a unique vibe going for it, and it’s sure to start up an interesting conversation in the future.

Frontal Tongue Piercing


A standard tongue piercing is often referred to as a “middle tongue piercing.” This one is further down the tongue toward its tip. This person is really expressing themselves! You can see how, along with all of the other body mods this person has going on. The tongue piercings really help to add a bit of oomph to your aesthetic.

With a Smiley


The piercing that hangs down over the front teeth is called a “smiley piercing.” We find it in concert with a tongue piercing. If you asked this person: why do women pierce their tongues? They might share a deep interest in the art of piercing. All in all, we can say that these piercings are always a sight to see.

Different Shapes


The standard metal ball is used by most people but here’s a tongue piercing with a piece of star jewelry. Tongue rings come in all sorts of shapes and designs. Some are chosen for sexual use but others are just for fun! This choice is absolutely great for those who want to add a bit more whimsy to their aesthetic. 

Baby Constellation


Here are snake eyes and middle tongue piercings. They create a mini triangle or constellation on the tongue. This person is clearly a piercing enthusiast. We always love to see people’s different interpretations of what can be a pretty standard set of piercings. It’s great to see how people start to get specific with their style and their jewelry.

More Possibilities


In this example, we find a venom piercing paired with a middle tongue one. You see, it’s another way to get creative with the possible tongue piercings that exist out there. Why do women pierce their tongues? Perhaps, to hold a necklace like this. Isn’t it kinda cool to see how different people use their piercings in their everyday life?

Once More


Here’s another example of a middle tongue piercing that is made much more interesting by the venom piercing below. The piercing specialist who shared this image noted that venom piercings are a safer option than snake eyes because snake eyes are only surface piercings where venom piercing goes clean through the tongue. Either way, both are still very valid piercings.

Why Do Women Pierce Their Tongues? Keep Reading to Understand More!

The Bar

Here’s another version of the snake eyes piercing, this time is done with a bold, straight barbell. Most folks go smaller with the jewelry and gauge size. It’s a bit hard for us to imagine how this one would feel in your mouth, but hey, if we really wanted to find out. We could get the piercings ourselves and see.

High Five


Why stop at three tongue piercings when you can have five!? Here, we find a piercing enthusiast doing what they love and getting a really unique tongue piercing. This might be a little extreme for some people, but for those who like the look of it, maybe you should go ahead a get a few piercings done. Or maybe not.

RELATED: 25 Extreme Face Piercings That Are Anything But Superficial

Frenulum Piercing


Underneath the tongue is a popular spot for tongue piercings as well. The piece of flesh/muscle/connective tissue that’s underneath the tongue that connects it to the gums is called the frenulum and you can get it pierced! This piercing is definitely pretty well hidden if you want to keep the piercing hidden for a bit. It’s always your choice.

Another Frenulum


Here’s another example of a frenulum piercing, this time with some eye-catching lime-green jewelry. This piercing and color combo is definitely a little more attention-grabbing too, Why do some women pierce their tongues? Perhaps it’s for the fun jewelry!  That’s what we love about these piercings, there’s always a way to add variety and personalize it to you specifically. 

Speaking of Pretty Jewelry


It’s a very good possibility that many people love the idea of cool and exciting jewelry being displayed on the tongue. We find a lovely rose example here that could help explain the appeal. This cute little decoration is great for those who find themselves drawn to more floral patterns and graphics. This would be a neat addition to add.

Double Frenulum


Back to frenulum piercings for a moment! Here’s a double one that looks rather intense! If you were wondering, yes you can get multiple piercings underneath the tongue. This is absolutely a look that some people might be going for if they venture to be on the more extreme sides of the aesthetic. This pair might be perfect for you.



While most people choose a triangle pattern, you can “stack” tongue piercings with a middle and front tongue piercing for a unique effect. We imagine the feeling of this in the mouth really takes some getting used to. Though this look might be perfect for people who might be going for a more neat and tidy look. This look rocks!

Staked & Snake Eyes


Why do women pierce their tongues? Maybe they like the idea of stacked jewelry look like this one that features front and middle tongue piercings along with snake eyes. It creates an interesting “Y” shape. How do you feel about this look? We totally understand that this look just might not be the look that some people are going for.

A Triple Stack


Why do women pierce their tongues? Perhaps they would like a stack of tongue rings like this. We find one front and two middle tongue piercings here. Three’s not a crowd on this tongue! Despite having an odd number of piercings, this all feels pretty well balanced. That’s probably because of the two different sizes of the three metal balls.

To Complete a Look!


Why do women pierce their tongues? Perhaps it helps them complete a desired look! This black piece of jewelry helps make this gothy look extra cool. Even just the little changes, like the color of your jewelry, can go a long way in making the piercing a part of you. It’s very easy for you to get your desired aesthetic.

It’s a Way of Life


Piercings are like tattoos in that once you get a tattoo it’s hard to stop. What happens when you start running out of things to pierce? This could very well answer the question: why do women pierce their tongues? Because they just couldn’t help themselves because it’s a form of expression, and these people sure know how to express themselves.

Mouth Full of Metal


We’re not sure how many actual piercings this is! We count 7 metal balls but it’s hard to tell where one piercing stops and the other starts as all are populating the front part of the tongue here. You can see how much stretching the tongue has been through by looking at the holes of the piercing. It’s pretty wild.

YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: 30 Extreme Piercings That Will Make Your Teeth Hurt

Final Thoughts


Hopefully, this list helped you answer the question: why do women pierce their tongues? There is no simple answer. As these different types of piercings illustrate, there are a number of reasons for wanting your tongue pierced. Ultimately, that reasoning is going to be different depending on who you ask! Don’t make assumptions, folks! No one wants any bad blood.

There you go! We hope you discovered some answers to your question: why do women pierce their tongues? As with any other form of self-expression, the motivation someone has for getting a tongue ring will vary from person to person. So, don’t go assuming anything about folks who might have them as you have no idea until you’ve been expressly told. If you found these tongue piercings interesting, perhaps you might also like tongue tattoos. Yes, folks get their tongues tattooed these days and the results are mesmerizing. Take a look below for even more interesting forms of self-expression.


@mammoth_man01 (Source)

Here, we find a rare example of a tongue tattoo with color ink in the form of a mushroom. We imagine this picture was taking right after it was completed because colors do not last long at all on this surface.

Black Spider

@mammoth_man01 (Source)

Here’s a blurry spider that’s already started to fade. Many tattoo artists refuse to do these tattoos because they’re gross to do and also they fade so fast it’s not even worth it.


@fishbloke57 (Source)

We’re pretty sure this person has a bifurcated (split) tongue and that they’ve chosen to tattoo each half. This is bad, but it gets even worse the further we journey. Brace yourself.


@weirdandwonderfulblog (Source)

“#tbt to when I got my tongue tattooed,” the person who shared this image wrote. We best the tattoo that inspired this Throwback Thursday post has already faded away completely.

Save the Date

@gothika_tattoo_pisa (Source)

This comes from a tattoo artist who decided to tattoo a date on his tongue. We don’t know why someone would do this to themselves as these tattoos are generally very painful, but here we are.


@neczilla (Source)

This person got a Punisher skull tattoo and they included some pretty telling hashtags including “#neveragain” and “#dontevenaskeme.” If those are how this person is tagging the picture they shared on Instagram, that should tell you all you need to know.


@tattoosby_xray (Source)

Of all the tongue tattoos we came across, and yes, we want you to feel pity for the people who researched this post, the little smiley face is one of the most common. Here, we find one hanging out below a tongue piercing. This tongue is a glutton for pain.

Many Questions

@marcusninja (Source)

Here’s another image that was shared with a wonderful hashtag: “#pain.” We suppose the question then becomes, why?

RELATED: 25 Extreme Full Face Tattoos That Extend from Ear to Ear


@spielmannskunst (Source)

“Haha, got a tongue Tattoo today, what do you guys think? Cool?” Sure, why not? Of all the tats on this list, this one is one of the more palatable ones.


@moto_riot_grrrl (Source)

In general, lotus flowers are exceedingly popular designs for tattoos. This is the only one we’ve ever witnessed on a tongue.

Eye of Horus

@alexmelrosetattoo (Source)

The Eye of Horus is an ancient Egyptian symbol for protection. We find it here in red, which is actually not that bad. However, red is not going to last and we’d be surprised if this was still visible after a week.

Broken Heart

@tattertoot (Source)

“Gave a cutie her tongue tattoo that she’s been asking for, for a lil while,” the person who shared this image wrote. “Unfortunately, it’s already pretty faded after 2 days.”


@_spacecake (Source)

“Happy to say I was [the tattoo artist’s] first tongue tattoo client yesterday and I’m sooo stoked about the outcome!” the person with this symbol tattoo wrote. “The symbol is a mix between the angelic zibu symbol for patience and the yoga symbol for harmony. Yes I know it will fade and probably blot out in the next couple months but it was totally worth it.”

Angry Dude

@infiniteartstudios (Source)

We don’t know. We don’t want to know. Please respect our privacy at this time.

Tiny Dagger

@wacky666 (Source)

Appropriate that this person has chosen a dagger for their tongue tattoo because their tongue has now been stabbed thousands of times by a tattoo gun. This is far from the worst on this list. We hope they’re happy!


@bovenzitattoo (Source)

“Thanks for making me do this you’re a maniac,” the tattoo artist who did this peace sign wrote to the person with it. Who would never us the word, maniac!


@hollowcrowntattoo (Source)

“First attempt at a tongue tattoo,” the artist wrote. “Waaaaaay harder than I first thought but it does look pretty cool.” Sure!

Dear reader, here’s where this list begins to get a little weirder. So, consider yourself warned.In just a few images you’re going to see thing that will make you question the nature of your reality. Buckle up!


@kaorimetalink (Source)

Here’s a tongue tattoo from Japan of two crosses in opposite directions. These have been applied very thickly which might help them last a touch longer.

Tongue Tied

@blackworkarchive (Source)

“3 months healed,” the person with this faded tongue tattoo shared. See? The fade is not so pleasant. We truly don’t get it.


@foggy_11.11 (Source)

We’ve never met an anarchist that we liked, but please surprise us! Here’s a tattoo of the anarchist symbol right on the tongue.


@human_mainouw (Source)

This person has gotten a fork tattooed on her tongue to make it look like a snake’s slithering one. People, live your best lives the best way that you know how to.

Hot Pepper

@yungfacialhair (Source)

The person with this chili pepper tattoo wrote that it had already began to fade the same day he got it. He joked that he now tells people it’s a “ghost pepper.”

Scary stuff ahead! It’s really coming your way with this next image!


@blackliner_ink (Source)

Here, we find a bifurcated tongue with dot tattoos not only all over the tongue but also on the gums. This person has tattooed their gums.


@drake_brayan_ink (Source)

This is a pigmentation job that I’m not even sure is totally legal in the US. This picture comes from Europe. The way this works is that pigment is injected directly into the tissue of the tongue and then allowed to spread. It’s similar to a sclera (eye) tattoo. We’re sorry!

RELATED: 25 Sclera Tattoos That Will Poke Your Eyes Out


@alvaro.ojeda (Source)

This is the same sort of thing as the above but made even worse by the stitching on this tongue and the green color. This person’s tongue looks like it’s about to fall off. Please call us an ambulance because we are now dead.

There you go! 25 tongue tattoos! This list devolved into a horror movie and we hope you enjoyed the right. Please, be kind to your tongue.

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