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New Details Emerge After Woman Claims She Helped Her Father Bury 50-70 Bodies During Killing Spree

via KETV NewsWatch 7

In an interview with Newsweek, Lucy Studey is claiming her father – Donald Dean Studey – murdered 50-70 women in a killing spree that lasted several decades. She’s also alleging he forced her and her siblings to help bury the women, adding she knows where the bodies are.

It’s a story she’s been telling people for years, but no one ever believed her. In fact, one police officer recounted a time in 2007 when they originally looked into the allegations. After a brief investigation, they determined it wasn’t worth looking into – but they might’ve been wrong. 

A week ago, two cadaver dogs gave the police officers reason to believe there are decomposed human remains in several areas previously identified by Lucy as burial grounds. Fremont County authorities are currently putting a thorough plan together to further the investigation

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According to Lucy, her father – who passed away in 2013 at the age of 75 – would lure sex workers to a trailer on their five-acre piece of land before striking, shooting, or stabbing them. He allegedly did this five to six times per year, totaling 50-70 women over the 30-year killing spree period.

After killing the women, he would direct his children – including Lucy – to ‘the well,’ where he would dump the body and they would cover the bodies with lye and dirt. He would even force them to help him transport the bodies to the well – by wheelbarrow or toboggan (in the winter).

Lucy added a majority of the women were in their 20s and 30s but singled out one 15-year-old who managed to run away. They were all white women and most of them featured ‘dark or darkish’ hair. Before bringing in the dogs, she pointed out where she was directed to bury them.

When they brought the dogs, which are trained to detect human remains, they were immediately drawn to the suspected burial grounds – without hesitation. If they can confirm Lucy’s claims against her father, he could go down as one of the most infamous serial killers of all time. 

Officials Putting Plan Together to Uncover the Mystery Behind the Killing Spree

New Details Emerge After Woman Claims She Helped Her Father Bury 50-70 Bodies During Killing Spree
via KETV NewsWatch 7

With their latest discovery, police officials have every reason to continue their investigation in hopes of bringing this mystery to an end. “We are actively investigating this, and who wouldn’t?” said Fremont County Sheriff Kevin Aistrope, adding they’re unsure if the scene is a crime scene.

While they don’t have any victims or bodies, the cadaver dog handler believes there are human remains in the area. “More work needs to be done to confirm that…I feel pretty good about what I saw from the dogs, but I’m not going to hang my hat on that,” said Jim Peters, the dog handler. 

Lucy is happy her claims are finally getting some real attention. “No one would listen to me. The teacher said family matters should be handled as a family, and law enforcement has said they couldn’t trust the memory of a child. I was just a kid then, but I remember it all,” said Lucy. 

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The next step is putting together a plan to use sonar technology and dig where needed. Unfortunately, the county department first needs to secure funding due to their lack of budget. Nonetheless, they expect the planning process to take several months, at the very least.

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