Mamas Uncut

Woman Who Didn’t Know She Was Pregnant Gives Birth to Best Christmas Present Ever

Fox 13

Lauren Chalk always wanted a family, but her journey to getting pregnant wasn’t easy. Then just before Christmas this year, Chalk’s mom could tell there was something wrong.

According to Chalk, the last few months had been normal. However, while visiting her parents in November, her mom made a comment that something about her daughter felt off.

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In an interview with CafeMom, Chalk explained, “She said, ‘I think your hormones might be out of whack.'” The comment made sense to Chalk. Although she felt find, she has Polycystic ovary syndrome or POS.

Polycystic ovary syndrome is common in women. According to the Mayo Clinic, it’s an incurable “hormonal disorder common among women of reproductive age” and the cause of it is unknown. It also makes it difficult for women to get and stay pregnant.

Chalk told CafeMom, “I’ve had two miscarriages throughout our marriage. One was in 2014. By the time I had taken a pregnancy test, I had already lost the baby and not realized. The second was in 2016. I was about six weeks along when we had the ultrasound and no heartbeat was heard.”

Woman Didn't Know She Was Pregnant, Gave Birth to Present
Fox 13

Woman Gets Best Christmas Present Ever After Giving Birth Days After Learning She’s Pregnant

It was only after her mother pointed out that something was off this November that Chalk took a pregnancy. It was then that she learned she was pregnant the Saturday before Thanksgiving. However, as CafeMom reports, when she started spotting before her appointment, she went in for emergency confirmation.

That’s when she was told she was 38 weeks and 5 days pregnant. Chalk then gave birth to a healthy baby 10 days later. “Because my blood pressure was so high, they opted to do an ultrasound to see how far along I was. My husband and I had prepared to be about four to five months pregnant, but we learned I was 38 weeks and 5 days pregnant.”

For 38 weeks and 5 days, Chalk had no idea she was pregnant and as she told CafeMom, she didn’t experience any of the normal pregnancy symptoms.

Fox 13

Then on December 2, Wyatt River Chalk was born. He weighed five-pounds, eight-ounces and measured 17 3/4 inches long. Wyatt, according to Chalk, is “absolutely perfect.”

She also describes Wyatt’s birth as a miracle. “I had no prenatal care. For Wyatt to be healthy is truly a blessing from the Lord. I want my story to be a reflection of the gospel of Christ in my life.”

Now, Wyatt is Chalk and her husband’s best Christmas gift and they can’t wait for the rest of their lives together as a family of three.

Fox 13

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“Now that we are home, I can’t imagine not having him. It is so crazy to love someone that I didn’t even realize I was growing. My takeaway is that anything is possible with Christ. I truly believe that He worked everything out for His glory.” 


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