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AITA: Woman Claims Her Husband and Father-In-Law Are Convinced She’s Going to Die During Childbirth, to the Point Where They Want Her to Pack up Her Pre-Baby Clothes and Put Them in Storage

A wife, who is expecting her first child, started getting a weird vibe from her husband and her father-in-law. According to the Reddit user, her husband’s mother died while giving birth to him.

After learning they were expecting, they started going to a marriage counselor. In addition to that, the husband claimed that he was also seeing a therapist on his own to talk about the pregnancy and the feelings he has towards it.

Woman Says Husband Is Convinced She's Going to Die in Childbirth
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However, as the Reddit user continued, due to his recent behavior she’s pretty convinced he’s not going to his therapy appointments. “I don’t want to call him a liar, but I’m fairly sure he’s either not going or not talking about the big issue-he and his father (a hugely active part of our lives) are COMPLETELY convinced that I’m going to die in childbirth.”

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And she’s not kidding, the wife goes on to share just why she feels that way.

Husband and Father-In-Law Are Convinced Wife Is Going to Die in Childbirth

As she admits, both her husband and her father-in-law’s behavior has made her very uncomfortable and stressed. And as she begins to speak specifically about their actions over the last months, people reading the Reddit post started coming to a pretty scary conclusion.

People who read the wife’s story now believe her father-in-law is planning to take her life. One commenter wrote, “So, I don’t know how it’s escaped your notice, but your FIL is preparing to murder you, and your husband is planning to let him. They’re not even being subtle about it.”

And this is why people are seriously concerned about her wellbeing.

According to the Reddit user, not only did her husband insist that she get her affairs in order by making sure her life insurance and will were up to date, but he went as far as to ask his wife “to go through all of my possessions and ‘inventory’ what I wanted to be saved for the baby vs. what I would want to be returned to my family in the event of my death.”

Wait, what?

The request forced the wife to “put her foot down” and she refused to go that far, calling the request “too morbid.” However, as a result of her defiance, her father-in-law has told her that she’s making life difficult for her husband in the event that she does die.

Excuse you, what? For one, a pregnancy between two people who love each other should be an exciting time, not a time in which a woman should be getting her affairs in order to the point where she is literally planning her own funeral.

The wife went on to share that her pregnancy has been uneventful and that she has been healthy, writing that they have “NO REASON to think I will die screaming in the coming weeks.”

And to make matter worse, like a lot worse, the father-in-law had the audacity to come to her home and try to convince her to pack up all of her pre-baby clothes and put them in storage. And when she refused, and her husband came home to find that her clothes were still in her closet, he GOT UPSET.

In fact, the wife goes on to admit that her father-in-law’s actions make her feel like he “WANTS me to die” because his “whole life identity for the past 35 years has been ‘amazing single dad.’”

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She continued, “It seems like he’s looking forward to being able to guide my husband through what he went through.” Not only that but her father-in-law even told her that he was putting HIS foot down and not allowing her to use any drugs, including an epidural, during her labor. He even, reportedly, tried to convince the mom that medical intervention of any kind that benefits the mother during a natural birth is unacceptable because the only thing that matters is a healthy baby.

Does anyone else have any words, because, wow?

The wife admitted that despite being extremely close with her father-in-law in the past, she wouldn’t mind ever seeing him again. And she has had it with her husband backing his father completely. No kidding?

The mom then asks if she owes to her husband to let her feel this way given his past? To which people said absolutely not.

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One commenter wrote, “Definitely NTA… she needs to sign over power of attorney, and medical power of attorney to her mother immediately, this would give the father and husband zero decisions on her behalf— financial or medical.”

Another person added, “After reading some further comments by OP I hope she goes and stays with a friend or family member until at least after the baby is born and cut contact with her husband until then too. They’re packing up her clothes and taking them away! If she doesn’t die, they will kill her.”

And one the person wrote, “This might be the scariest post I’ve ever read. Her comments about spouse’s behavior at her prenatal visits, them trying to force her to pack up her clothes and store them because they need to prepare for her death – none of that is normal.”

According to Reddit, there have been no updates made by the Reddit user as of January 29.

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