Mamas Uncut

Advice for a First-Time Mom Who Has to Pump at Work? An Expert Weighs In

A mom writes in asking for advice on the topic of pumping while at work. She says that she is unsure how to manage pumping at work with a busy season. She doesn’t want to let either her baby or her team down. What should she do?

Home Guide Expert and mom Sharon Henry weighs in with some advice below.

Advice for a First-Time Mom Who Has to Pump at Work? An Expert Weighs In

Mamas Uncut fan asks:

“Tips for a mom who works and pumps at work? I’m a first-time mom, and this holiday season is going to be rough. I work at a specialty store, and I know my state laws in regards to pumping at work. With that said, I get caught between two important things of not letting my team down while it’s busy and making sure I pump enough to feed my baby.

Are there any tips or advice I can get from other moms who have been there? I know its only seven weeks, but I don’t want to stop breastfeeding because of my issues with not wanting to disappoint anyone. I know its important to make sure there’s enough for the baby to eat, but it’s also important to be a part of the team during this hectic time. Please help a mama out!”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Advice from Sharon Henry

When you need to pump, you’ve got to pump! Not only will this alleviate your own personal discomfort throughout the day, but also your baby’s needs must come above anyone else’s. My advice would be to first speak to your line manager or HR person to find out how this can be managed at work. You could suggest that you could split your lunch hour during the day (i.e. take two half-hour breaks at the times when you physically need to pump around the times that are less busy for the team). You can then prepare your body for this change by pumping at home at these times. Your body will get used to it so that it fits in around your place of work. If you do get any other breaks outside of your lunch hour, grab the pump, go to your private space and pump where you can.

Pack a lunch before you leave each day so you don’t need to spend any time actually going out to buy your lunch — this will give you more time to pump while you eat which may not be ideal, but you are trying to work around everyone to make it less difficult for you in the long run.

You could also pump more on the weekends. It will keep your milk production high, and you can also store more milk away. There is always the option of getting up an hour earlier each morning and pumping at home before you leave each day.

Whatever you decide to do, definitely invest in a pumping bra. Having a hands free pumping bra will enable you to quickly set it up and eat your lunch without any difficulties.

[Images via Shutterstock]

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